The Mike Cox Law Firm does not lobby, but we do provide regulatory counseling and strategies to assist clients with navigating an increasingly complex governmental environment.

Our regulatory counseling practices assist our clients with avoiding litigation with governmental agencies; or, once involved in litigation, we assist our clients in winning or resolving the litigation in the most expedient and successful manner possible. We understand that oftentimes the best litigation strategy with governmental actors is to first understand the agencies’ legal obligations and practical objectives, and then tailor our legal strategy to their goals. Sometimes that entails litigation in court or administrative hearings, but often, a well-reasoned argument to the agency’s lawyers before litigation best achieves the client’s goals.

Real Life Results
  • The Mike Cox Law Firm has assisted a client in resolving a years-long, contentious multimillion-dollar fight with a state agency on favorable terms.
  • We assisted another client in convincing a state agency to rebid a multimillion dollar contract without litigation.
  • In another instance, The Mike Cox Law Firm assisted a national client in crafting a county bid protest after the loss of a multimillion-dollar contract.
  • In Northern Michigan, The Mike Cox Law Firm assisted a client, a very successful entrepreneur, adhere to the Natural Rivers Act, allowing the client to remodel his childhood home into an ideal retirement home.
  • In other instances, the Mike Cox Law Firm has provided legal advice and legislative draftsmanship counseling to assist our clients in drafting legislative proposals.