The Mike Cox Law Firm has extensive experience representing a variety of clients related to state and federal election law issues.

As the former Attorney General, Mike Cox and the attorneys at The Mike Cox Law Firm have a depth of experience working with the Michigan Secretary of State, State Board of Canvassers, local clerks and on issues pertaining to federal election law.

Election Law

Aside from serving as a candidate for statewide office three times, Mike Cox, as a former Attorney General, represented all branches of government, including the Secretary of State and State Board of Canvassers. The Mike Cox Law Firm also successfully represented the 501(c)(4) organization, Protecting Michigan Taxpayers, which was formed to oppose an amendment to the Michigan Constitution. The Mike Cox Law Firm has also advised several of other political campaigns and ballot committees on federal, state, and municipal election laws.

Real Life Results
  • Mike Cox served as ballot integrity and Election Day Counsel for many conservative groups over the past decade, including most recently, as Election Day Counsel for the Republican National Committee on behalf of President-elect and the 2024 Republican slate of candidates
  • Cox successfully represented the Unlock Michigan committee in the Court of Appeals and the Michigan Supreme Court to keep the Unlock Michigan citizens’ initiative (which sought to repeal parts of the Governor’s powers exercised during Covid) on the ballot or enacted by the Legislature in 2020

Municipal Law

The Mike Cox Law Firm provides both municipal and private clients with representation and counseling in matters that touch upon local counties and municipalities. As Attorney General, Mike Cox supervised the drafting of a number of Attorney General Opinions that provided guidance to municipalities on issues as diverse as office incompatibility, downtown development authorities and TIFs, preemption of local ordinances, pension liability, and road funding.

Real Life Results

The Mike Cox Law Firm now represents Wayne County, Michigan in select emergency management related litigation, as well as advising Lapeer County, Northville Township, and Plymouth Township on select issues The Firm has also represented local cities and townships with numerous issues, including negotiation of an authority dissolution, labor issues, state environmental problems, and litigation in front of state trial and appellate courts, as well as federal district court litigation. At the same time, the Firm has similarly provided private clients with counsel ranging from tax foreclosure sales to bid protests to the negotiation of oil and gas leases under public lands. Our lawyers interact regularly with local officials and are well versed in current and topical municipal law issues.